Dafodil Sunshine
Dafodil grew up as a refugee in Ul'Dah as a commoner. Although living was harsh outside the city walls, she always found the positive side of life. She was nicknamed "The Sunshine" because it brought good into their hearts.Her love for flowers since she was a kid has carried with her into adulthood. She loves spending time in the forest and desert picking flowers. So when Ul'dah asked for her official name when she reached adulthood, Dafodil Sunshine was the name registered, leaving her old clan name, which was already gone behind her.
Rate: 500k/hr
Augmented Fixation Wednesdays on Dyn/Maduin/
LB/W23/P33Rate: 400k/hr
Cat Scratch Club Fri/Sat on Dyn/Marilith/Empy/W20/P42Rate: 800k/hr